Description: The PHP scripting language.
Version: 7.1.16
Processor: X86
Operating System: Solaris 10
Download: php-7.1.16-sol10-x86-local.gz http | Old Versions | Download Info | File info
Dependencies: apache-2.4.49 freetype-2.4.2 nettle-2.7.1 gnutls-3.3.18 gmp-4.2.1 libiconv-1.17 libidn-1.41 openssl-1.0.2u curl-7.74.0 freetds-1.1.24 libssh2-1.10.0 libintl-3.4.0 openldap-2.4.59 mysql-5.5.27 sasl-2.1.26 jpeg-8d xpm-3.4k libpng-1.6.39 libxml2-2.9.1 zlib-1.2.11 libgcc-3.4.6 gcc-3.4.6
View Dependencies | Dependency Tree
Date Created: April 4, 2018
Package Name: SMCphp
Install Location: /usr/local/php.
Source Code: php-7.1.16.tar.gz | File info
PHP needs configuration. php.ini related files are in /usr/local/php/doc/php along with other documentation. php.ini needs to be installed in /usr/local/php/lib. The file is installed in /usr/local/apache2/modules. The following two lines
LoadModule php7_module modules/
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
need to be placed in your httpd.conf file in their appropriate places.