Description: The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the time of a computer client or server to another server or reference time source -
Version: 4.2.7p422
Processor: X86
Operating System: Solaris 9
Download: ntp-4.2.7p422-sol9-x86-local.gz http | Old Versions | File info
Dependencies: libedit-20120601-3.0 netsnmp-5.7.2 openssl-1.0.1g libgcc-3.4.6 gcc-3.4.6
View Dependencies
Developer: support.ntp.org/bin/view/Main/WebHome
Date Created: February 21, 2014
Package Name: SMCntp
Install Location: /usr/local
Source Code: ntp-4.2.7p422.tar.gz | File info